Friday, January 13, 2012

Dollhouse Update - January

Happy New Year! We took a break from dollhouse building over the holidays, but it's picked back up over the last week or two.  My husband has finished the wiring, and I'm making progress on laying the wood floors.

For the wiring, we used a Cir-Kit kit.  I had to buy more tapewire, and we also decided to purchase a power jack separately.  Lesson learned - we installed the tape, using a suggestion from the internet, but it didn't account for the thickness of the floors we were installing.  As a result, after we install the baseboard, the plugs for any lamps will be a tight squeeze, and we may have to notch out the baseboard (or, put the plug in a little cock-eyed. Oh well, live and learn.

Meanwhile, I laid the flooring for the upstairs hallway. I had already (mostly) finished the living room, and I still have to finish the MBR.  The bathroom and kitchen will have a different kind of flooring.  For the floor, I used cherry wood strips  - they were great, but the store didn't have enough of the 1/2"width that I wanted, so I had to buy some 3/8" as well. I decided to use the thicker width alone on the living room, but I mixed the widths on the hallway.  It definitely looks nicer. I also learned a little about technique, and bought an Easy Cutter, which really helped.

Next, I will finish up the last wood floor before moving on to the other floors. I will also start to spackle the walls to help hide the tapewire a little bit.  I can't wait to put in the wallpaper, that will make it look so much more finished! My next post, I will share the papers I bought, mostly from Itsy Bitsy Minis.

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